Mobile Manipulation ==================== .. image:: images/dingo-manipulation-banner.png :alt: Dingo mobile manipulation .. warning:: To-date the Gen3 Lite arm has only been tested on Dingo-D; while the Dingo-O is technically capable of supporting it, there may be additional configuration steps & debugging needed. The Dingo-O and Dingo-D can support a Kinova Gen3 Lite 6-DOF arm. This section explains how to add the arm to your robot and install the appropriate drivers. Physical Installation ------------------------ First, power off the robot and install the arm. The arm's power regulator can be placed inside one of the extra payload bays on the Dingo-O. On Dingo-D the power regulator must be mounted to the outside of the robot. .. image:: images/dingo_gen3_lite_internals.jpg :alt: The power regulator mounted to the outside of Dingo-D Connect the input power to the Gen3 Lite's power regulator to the VBAT connector on Dingo's MCU: .. image:: images/dingo_gen3_lite_mcu_power.jpg :alt: the VBAT connector on the Dingo-D MCU Connect the output power from the Gen3 Lite's power cable. .. image:: images/gen3_lite_power_regulator.jpg :alt: Input & output of the Gen3 Lite's power regulator Connect the MicroUSB port of the Gen3 Lite to an open USB port on the Dingo's computer and connect the Gen3 Lite's power cable to the port on the arm's base. .. image:: images/gen3_lite_external.jpg :alt: Gen3 Lite's base with power and USB connections. Network Confguration --------------------- The Kinova Gen3 Lite does not support configuring the IP address of the arm; the arm always communicates via ethernet-over-USB with address ````. To configure Dingo to communicate with the arm, first connect the micro-USB cable between the arm and an empty USB port on your robot's PC. Run ``dmesg`` -- you should see the USB connection identified as an ethernet device and assigned a network device identifier like ``usb0``, ``enx8c04ba888725` or ``enp0s20u9`` -- the exact ID will vary based on the motherboard and the OS configuration. Modify ``/etc/network/interfaces`` to add the USB ethernet device to the ``br0`` bridge, for example, if the device showed up as ``usb0``: .. code-block:: bash bridge_ports regex (eth.*)|(en.*)|(usb.*) Then add a new interface to the bridge by adding this to the same file: .. code-block:: bash # Static interface for communicating with the Gen3 Lite arm auto br0:1 allow-hotplug br0:1 iface br0:1 inet static address netmask Driver Installation ------------------------ Create a catkin workspace and clone the ``dingo_manipulation`` and ``ros_kortex`` packages into it: .. code-block:: bash mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_init_workspace src cd src git clone git clone The ``ros_kortex`` package requires additional steps before it can be built: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install python3 python3-pip sudo python3 -m pip install conan conan config set general.revisions_enabled=1 conan profile new default --detect > /dev/null conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default Install any additional necessary ROS dependencies: .. code-block:: bash cd ~/catkin_ws rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y Finally build the packages. ``ros_kortex`` can take a very long time to build. This is normal. .. code-block:: bash cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make If your Dingo has a Jetson computer you need to specify additional parameters to build ``ros_kortex``: .. code-block:: bash catkin_make --cmake-args -DCONAN_TARGET_PLATFORM=jetson Once everything is built remember to source your workspace: ``source $HOME/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash``. URDF Configuration ---------------------- Next you must add the arm to your robot's URDF. The easiest way to do this is to use the ``DINGO_URDF_EXTRAS`` environment variable. Edit ``/etc/ros/setup.bash`` and add the following to the end of it: .. code-block:: bash # source the catkin workspace; edit this path as necessary for your robot source /home/administrator/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash # add the gen3 lite description to the URDF export DINGO_URDF_EXTRAS=$(catkin_find dingo_kinova_description urdf/dingo_gen3_lite_description.urdf.xacro --first-only) If your robot already has a ``DINGO_URDF_EXTRAS`` then simply include the ``dingo_gen3_lite_description.urdf.xacro`` file in it: .. code-block:: xml This will mount the arm to the ``front_b_mount`` link on the robot's chassis. To apply an offset and/or rotation, set the ``DINGO_ARM_XYZ`` and ``DINGO_ARM_RPY`` environment variables. See :doc:`Dingo Description ` for a summary of all available environment variables. To use a different mounting location, set the ``DINGO_ARM_MOUNT`` environment variable. The following links are defined in the Dingo-O and Dingo-D URDFs and may be used as mounting points: ===================== ========== ========== Link (front to back) Dingo-D Dingo-O ===================== ========== ========== ``front_mount`` Yes Yes ``front_b_mount`` Yes Yes ``front_c_mount`` Yes Yes ``mid_mount`` No Yes ``rear_c_mount`` Yes Yes ``rear_b_mount`` Yes Yes ``rear_mount`` Yes Yes ===================== ========== ========== If your arm's power regulator is externally mounted, as will likely be the case for Dingo-D, you may add this to the model by setting the ``DINGO_ARM_EXTERNAL_POWER`` environment variable to 1. By default the external power will be mounted to the ``rear_b_mount`` link. To verify that your model is correct you can use ``roslaunch dingo_viz view_model.launch``. You should see the arm sticking straight up in the air: .. image:: images/dingo_kinova_model.png :alt: Dingo-D model with Kinova Gen3 Lite Driver Bringup & Controlling the Arm -------------------------------------- To control the arm you must run 2 launch files: one to launch the underlying ``ros_kortex`` driver to control the arm and the second to launch the moveit interface to allow for planning & executing commands. In two separate terminals run the folliwing commands: .. code-block:: bash roslaunch dingo_kinova_bringup dingo_gen3_lite_bringup.launch .. code-block:: bash roslaunch dingo_gen3_lite_moveit_config dingo_gen3_lite_moveit_planning_execution.launch To make sure everything is working, set the ``ROS_MASTER_URI`` on your computer to use the robot, and then launch rviz: .. code-block:: bash export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://:11311 rviz .. note:: This assumes you have :doc:`configured your network ` correctly to allow remote rviz connections In rviz, add the Mobile Manipulation topic. After a moment you should see the robot with the arm in its current state. .. image:: images/rviz-motion-add-motion-planning.png :alt: Add the Motion Planning topic to Rviz Use the spherical control to move the arm to a new position and press the "plan and execute" button. You should see the arm move from its current state to the desired goal. .. image:: images/rviz-motion-planning.png :alt: Moveit motion planning in Rviz The ``dingo_gen3_lite_moveit_config`` package includes 2 default poses for the arm: ``vertical`` which sets all the joint positions to 0 (which will point the arm straight up in the air) and ``stow`` which will fold the arm up into a safe, compact position for travel. Additional poses can be created by running .. code-block:: bash roslaunch dingo_gen3_lite_moveit_config setup_assistant.launch Refer to the ``dingo_manipulation`` documentation on GitHub_ for more information on adding additional static poses. .. _GitHub: Appendix: Additional Customization ----------------------------------- The default driver bringup assumes that the robot is in a mostly-stock state. It is possible that your robot includes additional sensors and payloads that the arm could collide with. The ``dingo_manipulation`` package includes additional documentation for customizing the ``moveit`` configuration for the arm: