Husky Move Base Demo

This tutorial shows you how to use move_base to perform basic autonomous planning and movement on a simulated Husky, or a factory-standard Husky with a laser scanner publishing on the scan topic.

To adapt this demo to your own Husky, you may need to clone the husky_navigation repository, and modify the relevant parameters. To learn about move_base and the navigation stack, see the Navigation Tutorials.


  1. Please make sure that the Husky navigation demo package is installed:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-husky-navigation
  1. In three separate terminal windows:

    1. Start the Clearpath-configured Husky simulation environment:

    $ roslaunch husky_gazebo husky_playpen.launch
    1. Start the Clearpath-configured rviz visualizer:

    $ roslaunch husky_viz view_robot.launch
    1. Start the move_base demo:

    $ roslaunch husky_navigation move_base_mapless_demo.launch
  2. In the Rviz visualizer, make sure the visualizers in the Navigation group are enabled.

  3. Use the 2D Nav Goal tool in the top toolbar to select a movement goal in the visualizer. Make sure to select an unoccupied (dark grey) or unexplored (light grey) location.

  4. Note that in this example, the robot has no absolute localization source, and the position estimate will drift relative to the world. See the next tutorial for a demo with localization.